Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Emily Hartong on Leahey and Leahey

Her interview starts at 15:20

Tonight Emily Hartong was on the Leahey and Leahey show on PBS Hawaii where she was asked about the up and coming season. They asked her about head coach Dave Shoji with his retirement plans and his humor.

She was also asked about Jane Croson and how she was with the team. In my opinion, it kind of put her on the spot because I am pretty sure she did not want so say much about that. But Emily is still pretty shy when it comes to interview. Great player and person in general. Looking forward to watching her play her senior season!


  1. Emily Hartong is the perfect example of the student/athlete that you want on your team.

  2. Her brother Brad will play baseball for Indiana. He must be the tallest catcher in college ball at 6'7".
